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Who can make auto remove inactive accounts,and it detect,where folder locate,I want it non mysql

My gm in dudb,my server have 4k registered user

Save the date (try timestamp [date in seconds]) on the player's file. Then, when they login and it's been over inactivity time you wan't compared to what is saved on their file, Use, "udb_Remove".

PAWN is a simple procedural language. All you really need to know is WHAT YOU NEED TO DO.

If you'd really write a simple algorithm saying where's the beginning, checking and what needs to be done on the way to the end of that algorithm, then you will be in the homebase. Let me give you an example:

This is the most simple example you can find. As you can see the diamond figure is the "if statement" procedure, so most of the programmers don't really do algorythms for such a simple things as you need to get done, because we know how it should be done line by line.

If you think, and write a simple algorithm of how your code of how it should be done (you can do the flow chart and/or struct charts) then it will be easier for you to understand how programming works and way easier for your future projects.

Also, you don't need to worry about making it work.. first plan it, then try to implement it by seeking for functions needed by you.

The simplest way I can explain it to you (in written English) how your code should work is:

1. OnPlayerConnect:

1.1 Does user exist already?

- Yes = DENY registration -> Ask for login.
When user login, check the timestamp in their file if its bigger than certain amount of time. If it is, remove their file and proceed to the account registration.

- No = ASK to register.
When user register, create a new file in your destination folder using your file saving procedure and insert a value of current time.

2. OnPlayerDisconnect:

2.2 Is user logged in?

- Yes = Save user's data to the file with the current timestamp.
- No  = Do nothing.


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