Javascript image swap with opacity

Hello everyone, So as the title saying I want to make a pictures on my page html, but with a changing every 5s, I already found the code about this, but whene the picture changing it change so fast and that's not what I want, Can someone help me in that issue please?

In this link, we can see the last picture it change slow whene we click on boutton (image one - image two), And that's what I want, but it doesn't change alone.

The code which I use

- HTML :
PHP код:
<body onload="startTime();">
img id="img" />
- JS :
PHP код:
imgArray = new Array("images/picture1.png","images/picture2.png");
imgCount 0;
startTime() {
imgCount == imgArray.length) {
imgCount 0;
document.getElementById("img").src imgArray[imgCount];
PS: I'm so sorry for my bad english if anything is strange, please tell me and I will do my best to explain

I recommed you using jquery. It makes things a lot of easier
Here I did this with jquery does what you want. I have tried to explain things in comments, see the demo for code and comments.
Working Demo :

That's what I want, thank you very much for your help and that info.

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