Server issue

First off, I am sorry if this question has been asked many times before. Yes, I did search for the similar problem but found nothing that's actually helpful so I came here to ask.

I have my server running with my friend's VPS and announce is set to 1, but for some reason, it's not showing up on internet tab. Around 8 months ago, I had a small test server running with the same VPS and it was showing up on internet tab but now it's not.

Is SA-MP limiting servers for internet tab?

Edit: Used sacnr monitor to search my server, shows no result.


Just to clarify.

Your server has a bind <IPGOESHERE>
query 1
announce 1
lanmode 0

if thats not working try reapplying permissions to announce with chmod 777 announce on linux

(I have found this methods above have fixed the issue for some of my clients having this problem)


Thanks for your response. I did exactly what you said and waited around 10+ hours thinking maybe it would take a little time, but it's still not working. Any other ideas?

you are aware of the problem occurred only in client 0.3.7, and do not change permissions 777 in your files,not do this

Sorry for late reply.

Does this mean there is no possible ways I can get the server on internet tab anymore?

Side question: I heard that game mp isn't accepting new account registration anymore, how are some people still getting their server on hosted tab list?

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