Timer save problem

I am using y_dini to save my stats , i have made a system for save the remaining time on player on jail when he disconnect . When player disconnect everything work fine , all stats save on players file . When he spawn i am using this timer to set player on jail
PHP код:
PrepeiVgeis SetTimerEx("efuges",pInfo[playerid][PrepeiJail] - pInfo[playerid][giajail],0"i"playerid); 
. The problem is that when he spawn the timer end in 1 second and i receive the message "Yoy have been released" which i have type to show on
PHP код:
public efuges(playerid); 
. Whats wrong guys
? why timer doesent work??

You have set the repeating parameter to zero (the one beside pInfo[playerid][giajail]), set it to one or true.

PHP код:
PrepeiVgeis SetTimerEx("efuges",pInfo[playerid][PrepeiJail] - pInfo[playerid][giajail], true"i"playerid); 

thanks jake but still not working..

Does the performance has been affected slightly after you changed the SetTimerEx? You are still having the same problem? Are you sure that the jailTime is saved properly and remains the same when the player logins in? In some cases jailTime sometimes reset if improperly scripted on being saved.

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