3dtext random for player

Hey.. i need some help.. i have 4 cords and i need make it random..

little more info, i wanna make 3dtext random, text shows for 4sec, and gone, and letter show again random, and if player near that 3dtext he can write command /find and get money

So if you guys can give some example or else...

okey.. so if i create 3dtext

KonvejerioTekstas[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel("Test", 0x008080FF, RandomText[Random][0], RandomText[Random][1], RandomText[Random][2], 20.0, 0, 0);

how check if player near that text ??

Use a checkpoint and make the command /find look for the coords of that checkpoint.

i don't need checkpoint's.. text create in random place.. but how check.. i make for now if player near that random place command works.. but i need if player near text

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