SA-MP 0.3.7 - New skins

300, lapdna, lapd1, COP, STAT_COP, swat, 1FFF, 0, null, 9,9, PED_TYPE_EMG,VOICE_EMG_LAPD1 ,VOICE_EMG_LAPD8
Can somebody explain me each parameter after comma?

ID, DFF, TXD, and what's the rest? Some of them are obvious as VOICE etc. but I need more details.

That's what's in ped.dat
# modelId, ModelName, TxdName, Default pedtype,
# animGroup(man,cop,woman,fatwoman,sexywoman...), cars can drive mask(in hex), other flag (drugs,...),  
# animfile, radio1, radio2
Doesn't tell me much. Any more details from someone who has added them? (Matite).

Found my solution.

Don't know why ****** haven't spitted this link out for me before.

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