One big problem...

Greetings to everyone! I wanted to test my script with bots (raksamp) and saw a big mistake in the script, when you connect the player 21 or more, each player whose ID is bigger than 24 has this bug (I have 5 NPC in script):

[11:50:04] [join] Infinity has joined the server (28:
[11:50:04] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[11:50:04] [debug]  Accessing element at index 28 past array upper bound 24
[11:50:04] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[11:50:04] [debug] #0 00228544 in PonistiSveVarijable (playerid=28) at C:\...\BS_RP.pwn:31428
[11:50:04] [debug] #1 0005a4f0 in public SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=28) at C:\...\BS_RP.pwn:6476
[11:50:04] [debug] #2 00026884 in ?? (... <1 argument>) at C:\...\
[11:50:04] [debug] #3 00009aa8 in public Itter_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=28) at C:\...\YSI\y_hooks/
[11:50:04] [debug] #4 00002460 in public OnPlayerConnect (playerid=28) at C:\...\YSI\
I dont know how is this possible, in the first 20 players everything is normal, and 21+ players have this...

Line BS_RP.pwn:31428  PlayerPressedJump[playerid] = 0;
Im using that variable for Anti BunnyHop, and thats defined like this: new PlayerPressedJump[MAX_PLAYERS char];
Line BS_RP.pwn:6476 PonistiSve(playerid);
I have stock PonistiSve(playerid) and in that stock some player variables go to 0. ex: PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = 0;
But under the line 6476 is PonistiSveVarijable(playerid); and in that stock is line 31428! I think in that stock is problem...
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
		GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof (name));
		SSCANF_Join(playerid, name, IsPlayerNPC(playerid));
		#if defined SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect
		return 1; // this is line 205!
Line y_hooks/
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	P:2("Hooks_OnPlayerConnect called: %d", playerid);
		end   = _:YSI_g_sCallbackEnd[ALS_OnPlayerConnect],
		start = _:YSI_g_sCallbackStart[ALS_OnPlayerConnect],
		ret = ALS_R_PlayerConnect;
	while (start++ != end) // this is line 618!
		#emit PUSH.S playerid
		#emit PUSH.C     4
		#emit CONST.alt  YSI_g_sCallbackAddresses
		#emit LOAD.S.pri start
		//#emit INC.pri
		//#emit STOR.S.pri start
		#emit LIDX
		#emit MOVE.alt
		#emit LCTRL      6
		#emit ADD.C      24
		#emit PUSH.pri
		#emit MOVE.pri
		#emit SCTRL      6
		#emit MOVE.alt
		#emit CONST.pri  0xFFFFFFFE
		#emit AND
		#emit PUSH.pri
		#emit LOAD.S.pri ret
		#emit AND
		#emit POP.alt
		#emit OR
		#emit STOR.S.pri ret
		if (ret < 0) return ret + 1;
	return ret;
Line YSI\
P:2("Iter_OnPlayerConnect end");
		#if defined Itter_OnPlayerConnect
			return Itter_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); // this is line 646
			return 1;
Thank you!

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Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss
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I fix my problem, thank you!

One big mistake i found... When i use char variables, i need to replace this brackets [ ] with this { }... I forgot to do that...
Ex: PlayerPressedJump[playerid] = 0; to PlayerPressedJump{playerid} = 0;

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