Detect Gta Folder

Hi Guys ,Can I Know Detect Player GTA Folder Are Posible Or Not Can You Give Me A Plugin Or Anything Please?

No it isnt possible. You cannot do much control outside your server folder. For example you cannot detect if player is using some mods or not that way or things as such.

But I Joined A Server And That Server Can Detect If We Are Using S.o.b.e.i.t How Come That Are Possible

There are MANY ways to detect that cheat.
That for example.

There was a manipulation with Freezing the player as in some cases the That Cheat itself unfreezes the player automaticly etc. etc. But to be honest, there are ways to bypass it

Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss
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There are MANY ways to detect that cheat.
That for example.

There was a manipulation with Freezing the player as in some cases the That Cheat itself unfreezes the player automaticly etc. etc. But to be honest, there are ways to bypass it
That Fs Are Not Working Anymore Before I Ask A Question I Already Search For It

Does that server use a custom launcher ?

That's the ONLY possible way to detect any hacks in the user's GTA... You can even detect skin modding.

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