RemoveBuildingForPlayer question.

Hello. Currently i have a command which calls "OnPlayerConnect" and OnPlayerConnect(playerid) function removes some buildings for player.

Now, i need to make a command to make the objects appear again for the player, how can i do this? I already tried to call OnPlayerDisconnect and OnPlayerConnect using a command. I tried to call OnIncomingConnection too, but it didn't worked, the buildings were still removed for the player.

I tried to exit the game and i came again on the server with the same id. The buildings appeared, so there is a callback wich i don't know and it creates the default objects (i think).

We all know that OnPlayerConnect is the function where "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" is called, but i need to know which is the callback which creates the buildings for the connecting player.

Thanks and sorry for my low level english.

They don't get automatically added back again. When a player relogs the buildings are reloaded from the game, SA-MP simply removes them from the game's current memory / game session. You can however use CreateObject to recreate the objects.

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