Minigames Server

I have been playing on a minigames/minimission server since 2011. So i decided to start my own one, which is still in development. I have just a few question, sorry if i have posted the same post all over and over again or if i posted it in the wrong section.

I have seen most of the minigames releases in the forums uses the changemode technique using SendRconCommand (and perhaps link all the stuff in one filterscript which centers as the main system instead of the gamemode itself.) In the other hand, I am creating a gamemode where in all the games are placed in, all in one. It only relies on two variables (stores the gameID which is used to process, read the game)

Which one do you prefer, A separated minigames gamemode or a gamemode where in all games are inserted in, all in one!

Sorry if i have explained it bad or if i ever had a wrong grammar.

Any of the methods, why would I, as a player even care ?
if it will have later on bugs, its up to you not the players.

For me a seperated minigames.

As a player, I don't care. To paraphrase ******, players don't care about the systems behind the screen. They don't care if you're saving their data using MySQL, some INI filesystem or by printing them on paper and scanning them when needed.

However, as a developer, I'd go for separate files. Putting everything in one large file makes it very tedious to maintain.

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