Would it be an offense?

I dont know, im just curious. This question may sound stupid to some and im sorry for that.
Would it be an offense to rockstar games or something if i start a server as name GTA Online? I mean ita a trademark for rockstar games. But i also need a website and forums for it of course. Soo. If i buy domain with gtaonline.com (just suppose, although its taken by r*). It would be an offense too right?

I dont wana get stuck in deep shit. Microsoft sued a guy once whose name was Mike Rowe and he started his own website to provide javascript services as MikeRoweSoft.com the case was settled when MS send him an Xbox and he sent em the domain.

Why start a server with a already used name anyway? You aren't gonna get 99999 players for the name 'GTA Online' just chose a different name and save the hassle.

Yes! Just don't do this! Rockstar will call the police and the police will send a SWAT team to storm your home! Maybe the army will join too and they will hunt you with Hunters, Hydras and Rhinos! Please don't name your server like that!!!

Originally Posted by uZ1
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Yes! Just don't do this! Rockstar will call the police and the police will send a SWAT team to storm your home! Maybe the army will join too and they will hunt you with Hunters, Hydras and Rhinos! Please don't name your server like that!!!

@jamester im not doing it for players. Ill try to replicate gta v and some features from it.

Originally Posted by [ND]xXZeusXx.
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@jamester im not doing it for players. Ill try to replicate gta v and some features from it.
Already done. But as I said why? There is no point GTA:Online is probably trademarked by R* & Take Two.

Originally Posted by Jamester
just chose a different name and save the hassle.

maybe if u pick domain name gtaonline.com rockstar will send u gta 6? go for it

Originally Posted by Krest
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maybe if u pick domain name gtaonline.com rockstar will send u gta 6? go for it



I don't see why they would, you're smaller than a pebble to them. They are a multi-million dollar company...

Yes i know the server name wont do anything. I was askin bout domain.

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