Issues minimizing SA:MP in Windows 10

Hi guys,

I've issues in minimizing the game after I've installed Windows 10. When I minimize it, the screen would be black. Sometimes I've do a force-shutdown and start the PC again. This is really annoying, anyone experiencing the same issue?

Nope. I've been using Windows 10 since its launch and never had any issues with games. I did have minor issues with some software, but that's it.

I have the same issue when using 1080 resolution
It only hapen if i minimize the game using alt tab.. using Alt+ctrl+delete wont cause that

I have the same issue. But I use ALT-TAB to come back in the game if the screen becomes black. (sometimes I do lots of ALT-TAB to find the gta_sa.exe) Then I use ALT+ENTER to enter in the windowed mode, then the ALT-TAB switching tabs works fine.

I didn't test if this occurs in single player too.

To fix this, use the d3d9.dll. It usually comes together with some mods like ENB and others, but that doesn't mean you have to use the mods. Placing it in the GTA San Andreas directory will fix it.

Originally Posted by [WSF]ThA_Devil
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To fix this, use the d3d9.dll. It usually comes together with some mods like ENB and others, but that doesn't mean you have to use the mods. Placing it in the GTA San Andreas directory will fix it.
This. Give this guy some rep.

That's a Directx component, if I'm not mistaken. To avoid these problems, also install the directx version that the game requires, even if you know you have the latest version.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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That's a Directx component, if I'm not mistaken. To avoid these problems, also install the directx version that the game requires, even if you know you have the latest version.
are you stupid? obviously he already has the directx version to run the game properly


watch that video

also is you're running ENB, you can run gta sa in window borderless which i love for dual monitor gaming


make them both true, it allows you to run windows ontop of the game and you can tab out rather quick

Originally Posted by aymel
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are you stupid? obviously he already has the directx version to run the game properly
From my experience I learned that the latest directx version doesn't provide all the files that certain games need.
On San Andreas I refused to install dx 9 because I already had dx 11 installed. The game returned errors, until I installed dx 9 components needed. That happened to other people as well. I speak from experience, I don't give blind instructions.

And I did say "if I'm not mistaken". I do make innocent mistakes from time to time. That makes me a normal guy, a normal human being.
You call people stupid, through rhetorical questions, because they make mistakes. What does that make you?
It doesn't make you smart or intelligent, that's for sure.

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