ENB custom objects texture missing

When I enable ENB, most of custom SAMP objects are losing textures. With default objects everything fine tho.



Mod Explanation

ENB Series mod is so small d3d9l.dll configs will not endure. His goal is to have Next Gen effects as in GTA IV, bloom (glare), real-time shadows, motion blur (speed effect when we go fast), occlusion (because it is clear the ugly ), chromium and gloss effect on cars and blur with respect to distance.


This is what you find when you open "enbseries.ini", and I added an explanation:

[PROXY] (to be activated if you use another d3d9.dll, as with SA limit adjuster, for example)
EnableProxyLibrary = 0 (leave to 0 if you do not use other d3d9.dll)
InitProxyFunctions = 0 (same)
ProxyLibrary = (name of the other d3d9.dll to use if required, otherwise put nothing)

[GLOBAL] ENBSeries list of effects that are activated in the game
UseEffect = 0 if 1, it means that ENBSeries will be activated to start the game, otherwise it must be activated by shift + F12 (by default) during the game
AlternativeDepth = 1 may enhance the effects, but not supported by all graphics cards
AllowAntialias = 1 Enable (1) or not (0) antialiasing to disable on a small config
BugFixMode = 0 (0-5) - see the "readme-en.txt" File ENBSeries
SkipShaderOptimization = 0 Can improve the effects ... or not - A test
QuadVertexBuffer = 0 It seems to change anything at home when I active ...

[EFFECT] The list of effects that will be activated
EnableBloom = 1 "bloom" is the high light effect, visible on a lot of next-gen games
EnableOcclusion = 0 For best effects in the dark, not bad food resources ...
EnableReflection = 1 Reflection on the metal cars, food not too many resources.
EnableMotionBlur 1 = blur effect when the view moves. Nice motorbike, no big resource.
EnableWater = 0 To have a record of how the water HalfLife 2, eats a lot of resources.
EnableShadow = 1 Shadow significantly improved. No need lots of resources, low quality
DepthBias = 0 if changing reflections not appear on cars, or wrong. Try with 500

[INPUT] Adjustments of the keyboard keys to activate / deactivate the effects
All KeyUseEffect = 123 / no - default: Shift + F12
KeyBloom = 120 Bloom on / off - default: Shift + F9
KeyOcclusion = 121 Occlusion on / off - default: Shift + F10
KeyReflection = 122 Reflection on / off - default: Shift + F11
KeyCombination = 16 Key for key combinations - default: Shift
KeyShadow = 119 Shadow on / off - default: Shift + F8
KeyWater = 118 Water on / off - default: Shift + F7

[REFLECTION] Settings of the reflection effect
ReflectionPower = 50 Power reflection 0-100
ChromePower = 0 Power chromium effect 0-100 (disabled for now)
UseCurrentFrameReflection = 1 Image used for reflection. 1 = current image.
ReflectionQuality = 2 Quality of reflection. 0 for the best but needs more power
ReflectionSourceSpecular = 50 from 0 to 100. 50 is fine by default
ReflectionSourceTFactor = 50 from 0 to 100. 50 is fine by default
UseAdditiveReflection 0 = 0 or 1. Requests more resources when enabled.
ReflectionDepthBias 0 = 0 to 1000. If no reflections appear or wrong. Try 500
UseLowResReflection 0 = 0 or 1. Give a somewhat duller side reflections.
ReflectionSinglePass 0 = 0 or 1. I guess it takes more resources or not.

[BLOOM] Adjustments of light bloom effect.
BloomPowerDay = 25 0 to 100. Power bloom during the day. I use up to 25 or 30.
BloomFadeTime = 0 to 2000 100000. time in milliseconds for the bland bloom. 2000 is good
BloomConstantDay 1 = 0 to 100. No good on its impact on the rendering. To test...
BloomQuality 0 = 0 to 2. 0 is the best quality.
BloomScreenLevelDay = 60 0 to 100. A test ...
BloomCurveDay = 0 -10 to 10. A test ...
BloomPowerNight = 25 0 to 100. Power bloom during the day. 25 it is
BloomConstantNight = 5 0 to 100. No good on its impact on the rendering. To test...
BloomCurveNight = 0 -10 to 10. A test ...
BloomScreenLevelNight = 20 0 to 100. A test ...
BloomAdaptationScreenLevel = 80 0 to 100. level of screen brightness in percent, beyond what the bloom is canceled. It takes a value greater than that of BloomScreenLevelDay.
BloomAdaptationMultiplier = 10 0 100. 100 deactivates the option.
BloomAllowOversaturation 1 = 0 or 1. To enable / disable the ultra-light saturation.

[SSAO] Adjusting the effect for dark areas
UseFilter 0 = 0 or 1. Enable / disable the filter on this, enough food resources.
OcclusionQuality 2 = 0 to 2. Quality of the occlusion. 0 for the best
FilterQuality = 0 Quality filter on the effect of occlusion, chow resource!
DarkeningLevel = 30 0 100. level of darkening by occlusion
BrighteningLevel = 30 0 to 100. level of lightening Occlusion
IlluminationLevel = 30 0 to 100. illumination level Occlusion
AdditiveIlluminationLevel = 30 0 to 100. Indirect Illumination, eats a little more resources
UseAmbientOcclusion 0 = 0 or 1. A test ...
UseIndirectLightning 0 = 0 or 1. Enable / disable the indirect lighting, the food resources

[ColorCorrection] Adjust the color correction. I have not tested well with you explode!
DarkeningAmountDay = 10
ScreenLevelDay = 60
ScreenLevelNight = 20
DarkeningAmountNight = 20
GammaCurveDay = 0
GammaCurveNight = 2
ColorSaturationDay = 0
ColorSaturationNight = 0
UsePaletteTexture = 1

[PLUGIN] Not well cottoned what it was supposed to work, all this is disabled for now
WeatherMod = 0

UseWaterDeep 1 = 0 or 1. Enable / disable the effect of depth once in water
WaterDeepness = 20 0 100. deep water Effect
WaterQuality = 2 2 0 0 to better quality food but a lot of resources, even in low quality

[SHADOW] Shadow Settings
ShadowFadeStart = 40 0 ​​to 100. From where shadows begin to disappear. 40 it is
ShadowFadeEnd = 80 0 to 100. From where shadows will eventually disappear. 80 it is
ShadowAmountDay = 90 0 to 100. Opacity shadows. I like 85 or 90 to 100 is enough!
ShadowAmountNight = 30 0 to 100. Opacity shadows night
ShadowScreenLevelDay = 60 0 to 100. 60 is good
ShadowScreenLevelNight = 20 0 to 100. 20 is good
ShadowQuality 0 = 0 to 2. Quality of the shadows. 0 for the best, but eats a lot of resources
UseShadowFilter 0 = 0 or 1. Enable / disable the filter on shadows. Bouffe many resources
FilterQuality 1 = 0 to 2. Quality filter on the shadows. 1 is a good quality / power

[ENGINE] Some additional settings
ForceAnisotropicFiltering 0 = 0 or 1. Force anisatropiques filtering of certain textures
MaxAnisotropy 0 = 0 to 16. For sharper textures, chow resource!
ForceDisplayRefreshRate 0 = 0 or 1. To force the display frequency of the game has to align with that of the computer. A leave to 0 by default.
DisplayRefreshRateHz = 60 Frequency Display to impose if the above option is enabled. To avoid displays can cause problems.

[MotionBlur] Setting the motion blur effect (blur)
MotionBlurQuality 2 = 0 to 2. 0 for the better, not too much food resources, it goes
MotionBlurVelocity = 30 0 to 100. Blur Velocity 100 is too vague. 25 or 30 is good.
MotionBlurRotation = 25 0 to 100. Blur effect when rotating the view. 25 or 30 is good (especially motorbike is madness).

Must be adapted according to your own configuration. In the latest version of the plugin can be in the middle part of GTA, to "alt + tab" to switch on the computer desktop and edit the file "enbseries.ini", that way we can see the changes directly without having to quit and restart the game every time! Very convenient.

Already tried to disable every effect, still the same.

Ah also I have SAMPGraphicRestore.asi, when I delete it every objects became like this, even default.

This could be related with your graphics card. What is it?

Geforce GTX 780.

Heh Tamer what a concidience, your server on the screen.

There is a fix for this (an .asi/.dll), I forgot the name tho. ****** it, there should be a fix for 0.3+ which is working fine for me.
If you can't find it I can look it up later when I'm at my pc.

Originally Posted by Laen
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Interestingly it looks. What is the survival base on the server?

Originally Posted by Laen
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Geforce GTX 780.

Heh Tamer what a concidience, your server on the screen.
Yup, I know. Anyway maybe ENB requires a driver update or there's invalid configuration.

Originally Posted by NaS
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There is a fix for this (an .asi/.dll), I forgot the name tho. ****** it, there should be a fix for 0.3+ which is working fine for me.
If you can't find it I can look it up later when I'm at my pc.
Yea can't find... link pls.

Originally Posted by Tamer
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Yup, I know. Anyway maybe ENB requires a driver update or something or there's invalid configuration.
Maybe, but then strange that it occurs only with samp objects. I think problem in 0.3.7 and/or SAMPGraphicRestore.asi, as I said when I remove it everything got fucked up, thought before enb worked without it. I'll try to reinstall.

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