Sqlite question

I hope this is the right board...

Lets say 70 people are in my server.. And I need to edit 1 account thats offline without having to download the database the reupload it and run the risk of overwriting a player's score that just logged off with 10,000 score as when i downloaded the db he had 9,500?

Just use a program to edit your database then, no needs to download, upload it again.
you just need to connect to the database host, edit and edit the player you want and done.

you can take a look here, i use it for a long time and never had problems.

You can just update the offline player from the server without external programs or downloading/uploading the file. Just update the player entry as if they was online.

UPDATE table SET ... WHERE playername = 'playername to update'
Another major problem with downloading/uploading the database, is that while you are editing it, new data will likely be inserted into the database (70 players online). So when you upload your edited database this data will be lost. You can only safely use this method when the server is offline.

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