
Can anyone tell me how to make robbery places and script?

First,get coords of robbery place,and where to deliver the money bag...
After,create a bool,nee bool:Rob;
then OnGameModeInit,Rob = true;
Next,create a cmd,like /rob,use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint of robbery place,and use if(Rob == false) return SCM(bla bla bla you can't rob now);
And then in the cmd,check if player is robbing with another bool,and set a timer,and OnPlayerUpdate,if(robbingBool[playerid] == true) and if(!IsPlayer at robbery point) SCM(bla bla bla)
Then set timer,kill timer when he leave,and when timer done,set a checkpoint,and when he enter checkpoint,givr money...

I'd suggest looking up CNR gamemodes on the forums and taking an example from their methods.

I have made a tutorial long ago, when I was working on my CNR gamemode and made a tutorial about this kind of thing, it might not be the best tutorial or code but it does the job.


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