
CPU Cores: 2 V-Core 3.2Ghz+
RAM (Memory): 2Gb (2048Mb) - 4GB (Swap)
HDD (Hard Disk): 100Gb (100,000mb)
Included Bandwidth: 5TB (5000Gb)
IP Address: 1 IP Address
Network Speed: 100 Mbps
Operating System: Windows Server Standard Edition 2012 R2 x86_64

How many server's do you think i could run of that?

2-4 servers i think

I won't go for that host. Only the Windows takes half of the RAM while running. However, you could host easily a server with a small playerbase on it.

Vcore doesnt tell anything about the actual performance, so theres no chance to give a close approximation. Test it.

You better get Linux.

I was like, "this looks like an okay system" and then I read Windows Server. As far as game server environments go there is literally zero reason to ever go with Windows and I find that people that go with Windows usually don't decide this rationally. They just want the GUI. Point and click instead of learning maybe 10 simple commands.

Originally Posted by Vince
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I was like, "this looks like an okay system" and then I read Windows Server. As far as game server environments go there is literally zero reason to ever go with Windows and I find that people that go with Windows usually don't decide this rationally. They just want the GUI. Point and click instead of learning maybe 10 simple commands.
Windows servers are much better. You can set up a cool desktop background, and start your server with a click. Thats definitely worth the 50% higher price.


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