Iam searching for a gang system with bandana colors.

Hello guys,
Iam searching for a gang sytem for rp servers with bandana system like:

/Setgangcolor [Family id] [hexcolor id]
-This cmd would be used by admin senior admin+ to set gang color which would appear on /gangs families color and over /turfs the name of gang own the turf/point with the setted color also at gang players colors like cops badges but not blue or etc but the color setted by the admin and the gang member would wear his bandana by using cmd /bandana like /badge in factions
Also contains the other gangs cmds that known like
/F [Message]
/Adjust invite-uninvite-ouninvite-safe-confirm-name-ranksnames-rank-motd
/Create crew
/Crew invite-uninvite
/Cr [Message]
/Accept gang-crew

And also creation of admins using this cmds
/Fcreate [familyid] [playerid\partofname]
/Fedit [Option] [Name]
Leader Skin1 Skin2 Skin3 Skin4 Skin5 Skin6 Skin7 Skin8
/Fdetele [Familyid]
/Cgveh [Familyid] [Vehicleid] [Color1] [Color2]
/Dgveh [Familyid] [Vehicleid]

I really need something like thats guys if someone can help please helpme i am searching for scripters for my server and i will make them admins so if you can help just tell me here or gimme ur skype so we can communicate.

Thanks for your time.

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