22.08.2015, 07:44
hello guys,
When i start my samp-server.exe it just gives this
When i start my samp-server.exe it just gives this
[07:18:15] Loaded.
[07:18:15] Loaded 8 plugins.
[07:18:15] Ban list
[07:18:15] --------
[07:18:15] Loaded: samp.ban
[07:18:15] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg
[07:18:15] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least.
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password ------------------- maxplayers 500 port 7777 hostname ----------------------- mapname ---------------------- gamemode0 LOPTDM filterscripts house xdrift hell vspawner AFK animations announce 0 plugins streamer y_files Whirlpool GeoIP_Plugin sscanf FileManager itd irc query 1 weburl onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 80 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
Either check if you wrote the gamemode's line correctly in the server.cfg, or have the compiled version (.amx) of the script (which appears in the server.cfg) in your gamemode's folder.
Eventually, try to run the server wih the nativchecker plugin, which can be found here. As a note, you have to load nativechecker as the last of the plugins, so place in at the very end in your server.cfg file at the plugins line. e.g. plugins plg#1 plg#2 plg#3 nativecheker |