Login design.

Hey guys,

Im working on my server but i cant find how to get design on my login screen.

I mean like this picture:

Can someone tell me how to get this on my server?

It would help so much +rep

****** > TextDraw samp

Follow these steps and you shouod manage to get it done by yourself.
1. Download a textdraw editor from the SA-MP forum, at the filterscrips section (I personally prefer Ipleomax's one);
2. Run the filterscript with your server (find the instruction at each filterscript's topic, where it has been released);
3. Create new textdraws with the editor while in game (use both boxes and text, as you see in the image above);
4. Save the generated textdraws and convert them to Pawn language (the editor should have the function while in game);
5. Take the texdraws code from the generated Pawn file and place them inside your gamemode, under OnPlayerConnect or OnPlayerLogin callbaks (The only difference is that they will appar faster on your screen when placing under OnPlayerConnect pubic, in the same time with the 'Connecting to..." text outputed by the SA-MP client);
6. Compile the script.

Thanks all buddy. Now login on your server and you sould see them there.

try here
the best i ever see textdraw editor in samp..
confused to use? just PM me..i will teach you

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