[Tutorial] GeoIP and handling rangebans with MySQL

Good and Helpful tutorial, Thank You!

How bans work?

i am using table import in mysql workbench since i hate command line, when i click the table import wizard, the files .csv or .json only is asked but how can i upload a .sql file(the first one we've prepared) into the ipv4 table ??

I didn't know this thread existed, good thing someone commented on it.

About a week ago, I decided to try out my own version and came across a really interesting article which is way faster than a range check (scanning through only 1 row instead of 40k+) but the table however is 4 times bigger - super creative method nevertheless.

I find out that for me, LOAD DATA INFILE is the easiest and fastest way to update it and the whole process takes 1-2 minutes (along with downloading the file, extracting and moving to a certain directory due to secure_file_priv option).

i cant query the complete file into the database, actually i am able to upload file sizes high as 200mb and the one we prepared is around ~4.5mb so upload is not an issue for me in pma, but after sometime mysql says query executed .......(but not complete) once again i see the ipv4 table... it is empty with no data in it..

Extract the .zip and go to pma. Select database, SQL tab and execute:
pawn Код:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path_to_file/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv' INTO TABLE list_ipv4 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (@ip_from_string,@ip_to_string,range_start,range_end,country_code,@country_name);
It took about 8 seconds to insert 144,865 rows.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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Extract the .zip and go to pma. Select database, SQL tab and execute:
pawn Код:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path_to_file/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv' INTO TABLE list_ipv4 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (@ip_from_string,@ip_to_string,range_start,range_end,country_code,@country_name);
It took about 8 seconds to insert 144,865 rows.
the one which we have prepared and i have it in .sql extension()...... or the default maxmind's which is downloaded without modifying as .csv

Originally Posted by DetoNater
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the one which we have prepared and i have it in .sql extension()...... or the default maxmind's which is downloaded without modifying as .csv
The default .csv file.

MySQL said: Documentation

#1148 - The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

You have to enable that first, check this.

Anyone importing an updated .csv file from maxmind note that they added new geo codes: So either add these to the ISO 3166 list or remove them from the list_ipv4 INSERT statement before running the query.

I had already added the EH code to the Pastebin file a few weeks ago but as of yet there don't seem to be any IP blocks associated with the HM code (at least not two weeks ago when I re-imported the IP data). Thanks for the heads up, though!

Every single step worked like a charm, except the importing..
When I import a few lines (as a test) with the sql console, then it works fine..but i can not do that with 168k lines..So i had to take MySQL Workbench (connected to my Host who has Linux) and i am getting this error, when I try to import:

ERROR 1452 (23000) at line 1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (samp.list_ipv4, CONSTRAINT fk_ipv4_countrycode FOREIGN KEY (country_code) REFERENCES list_countries (country_code))
Operation failed with exitcode 1

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