16.08.2015, 22:20
Последний раз редактировалось NickMirra; 16.08.2015 в 23:13.
My register and login dialogs are not showing for some reason i get in game and it shows the screen moving but no dialogs show up.
public OnAccountCheck(playerid) { new rows, fields; cache_get_data(rows, fields, dbHandle); if(rows) { ServerMSG(playerid, "Please enter the password that you have registered with."); SetPlayerToLogin(playerid); } else { //Send registration dialog ServerMSG(playerid, "To register, enter the password that you would like to have in mind."); SetIntVar(playerid, "RegisterPart", 1); format(msg, sizeof(msg), ""EMBED_WHITE"Welcome, "EMBED_LIGHTBLUE"%s\n"EMBED_WHITE"Visit www.ig-rp.my.vg\nHint: %s\n\n Enter your password", GetName(playerid), RandomHint()); Dialog_Show(playerid, Register, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""EMBED_YELLOW"IG:RP"EMBED_WHITE"", msg, "Register", "Quit"); //Send registration dialog } return 1; }