YSI heapalloc.inc help

Well i 've found gamemode that includes heapalloc.inc but there was 26 errors in itself... I've fixed almost all of them but still there is one and its about heapalloc.

YSI\YSI_Storage\ ..\YSI_Coding\y_malloc/heapalloc.inc(339) : error 004: function "Malloc_OnRuntimeError" is not implemented

I have downloaded new heapalloc and same problem happened... Also i was searching bug in inc file but everything seems to be ok...

Could you paste all errors on Pastebin and give me a link? I think I know what's going wrong

Originally Posted by prineside
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Could you paste all errors on Pastebin and give me a link? I think I know what's going wrong
http://pastebin.com/EAuc7RZZ - errors ...

http://pastebin.com/Fz7rCsUV - heapalloc.inc

There was also 26 errors including this one , but i've fixed that ..

Well, it's great if you fixed them. I thought that 26 errors appeared suddenly - in that case it may be a syntax error (not closed curly braket somewhere in another file).

To fix that last error you may find "forward Malloc_OnRuntimeError" string and create your own public function with declared argument list, e.g.:
forward Malloc_OnRuntimeError( ...some arguments... );

public Malloc_OnRuntimeError( ...exactly the same arguments... ) {
// do something - this function is called on runtime error (maybe log an error?)

Okay i will try something ..

But there is more ..

http://prntscr.com/85a4bq there is no such a include file in my gamemode but its still connected ... There is no even line in gamemode that has function Malloc_OnRunTimeError...

This usually in my experience happens when you have crashdetect & y_heapalloc. Including crashdetect before y_malloc or any YSI libraries should fix the issue.

Rep+ Both of u

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