Attaching the object to a player [1st P.]

So basically was trying to do it, after putting the coordinates I noticed some light that comes and goes here are the screenshots:

Any idea why this happens? and how would I prevent it? I believe that I can prevent it as I saw some first person system created by some member here in the community and he was using this function too.

Any help would be appreciated fellas

a note: tried to change coordinates several times, I don't think that's the problem

Update: when I shoot also while in this mode I sometimes get 'loading' black box thingy and this is annoying.. I don't know how the other guy has succeeded doing it!

You Should use edit to add more info. Don't posting like this.

You didn't get the point of having these as replies - if someone sees the main post and goes to surf something else, and if I edit it afterwards and he visits the same page once again he wouldn't, perhaps, see what I added/remove/whatever.


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