31.07.2015, 23:21
Hello, I downloaded a gamemode and i am not really good at mysql well i am a noob lets say it like that, accounts are not saving and yes i already did upload .sql file into mysql database but something is wrong with the code any helping out about what it is? here is the code
Any help appreciated Thanks!
PHP код:
stock OnPlayerRegister(playerid, password[])
new query[500];
new info[300];
new pass[50];
mysql_real_escape_string(password, pass);
mysql_query("SET NAMES cp1251");
strcat(query,"INSERT INTO `Accounts` ");
strcat(query,"(`NickName`,`Password`,`RegIP`,`CheckIP1`,`CheckIP2`,`Level`,`Sex`,`Age`,`Race`,`Referal`,`Mail`,`Telephone`,`Money`,`Bank`,`HouseKey`,`BizKey`,`From`,`OOC`,`Snow`) ");
strcat(query,"VALUE ");
format(info, sizeof(info), "('%s', MD5('%s'), '%s', 'No IP Adress', 'No IP Adress', '1', '%i', '-1', '%i', '%s', 'No Mail Adress', 'No Telephone', '200', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '1', '1')",
PN(playerid), pass, PlayerIP(playerid), RegSex[playerid], RegRace[playerid], RegReferal[playerid]);
PI[playerid][pID] = mysql_insert_id();
//format(info, sizeof(info), "INSERT INTO `Passwords` (`Hash`, `Password`) VALUE (MD5('%s'), '%s')", password, password);
//mysql_query(info, -1, 0, (MySQL:0));
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid))return 1;
return true;