Textured objects

Hey,its a project i started yesterday,so i'm making some useful textured objects
Like door,3 or 4 texture that i create,some boards....
So i will share it soon,with pictures and texture code,but where i share it exactly?
And if you have some cool textured objects,forum PM and i will add them witn credit,thanks

You'll be needing to post it either in the "Screenshots/Video" (If you are showing) or post it inside "Scripting < Snippets" (Unless you are making a filterscript which includes commands and choices).

If I am wrong feel free to correct me.

I thing filterscripts category cuz i will post codes about texture,so its not a a show ,exact?

Yes, if you're releasing your codes, then post it here > http://forum.sa-mp.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17

So its a bad idea?
Or noone want to help me?

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