Need Help

hello friends please help me in this i have made textdraws items menu i have made 14 items 1 to refill health 2 to refill armour 3 to get weapons but problem is it only works for 9 texts i want to make it 14 but when i type 14 in this code it giving me error on compiling it here is the code


if(text[0] == '1' && Textdraw[playerid] == 0)
if(CPS_IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid, cpcoprefill))
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0x20B2AAAA,"Your Health Has Been Refilled");
return false;

if(text[0] == 'here if i am putting 9 it compiles fine but when i put 10 it gives me error' && Textdraw[playerid] == 0)

That is because you are only checking one char. text[0] cannot contain two items

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