
Our server is being DoSSed, who do we report it to?

Server hoster, I think.

yep, and if its owner of any orther server, then kye i belive

Originally Posted by PeaToN^
yep, and if its owner of any orther server, then kye i belive

I've always thought of the idea of having a type of organistation. This organisation has members. To be be a member you need to be a proven server owner. Every member in this organisation reports IPs to each other. Added all together, alot of DoSers will be banned.

He homehosts it.

By the way, this is't FULLY confirmed yet, but he was plannng to Dos us, I don't if he has or its a problem our side.

Don't worry, it's always better to check what to do before it actually happens.

that sux

For people who want to know the story...

It started like this, there was waaaaaaaay too many admins so me and Vetle decided to wipe the accounts and start fresh, bad idea. After this happened people joined and were wondering why their admin level had gone, I explained and promoted some people, then Kelito joined and started flaming and saying he quit, so I demoted him to 0 (Resuest).

After this he kept flaming and flaming so I eventually banned him, he then used RCON (Bad choice to give the failure RCON) to ban *.*.*.* and render the server unenterable. We sorted this and changed the RCON password.

A While later on the websites shoutbox he said "More is coming" "Im making my second ore right now" and then boom, the server went dead. It is sureley a DoS.

Funnily enough I know the owner of the forum host (enough to get it taken down (For the DoS)) of Kelitos Clan, but my freind Mindwav is also the leader, they kinda don't agree with eachother, but tts up to them to sort out.

The way I see it Kelito is being alittle child, screaming and throwing his rattle out of the pram because he can't have more power than the co-owner ofhe server.

If you think Kelito is a childish failure, place this is your signature:


Thanks for reading. Hopefully this mess will be sorted out and Kelito will hopefully be punished for this DoS.

Was it a samp-server exploit?

I don't know, I don't have access to the logs either...

Originally Posted by Mikep
For people who want to know the story...

SAFE Sucks but im a sucker so i play it.It started like this, there was waaaaaaaay too many admins so me and Vetle decided to wipe the accounts and start fresh, bad idea. After this happened people joined and were wondering why their admin level had gone, I explained and promoted some people, then Kelito joined and started flaming and saying he quit, so I demoted him to 0 (Resuest).

After this he kept flaming and flaming so I eventually banned him, he then used RCON (Bad choice to give the failure RCON) to ban *.*.*.* and render the server unenterable. We sorted this and changed the RCON password.

A While later on the websites shoutbox he said "More is coming" "Im making my second ore right now" and then boom, the server went dead. It is sureley a DoS.

Funnily enough I know the owner of the forum host (enough to get it taken down (For the DoS)) of Kelitos Clan, but my freind Mindwav is also the leader, they kinda don't agree with eachother, but tts up to them to sort out.

The way I see it Kelito is being alittle child, screaming and throwing his rattle out of the pram because he can't have more power than the co-owner ofhe server.

If you think Kelito is a childish failure, place this is your signature:

Thanks for reading. Hopefully this mess will be sorted out and Kelito will hopefully be punished for this DoS.
SA-FE Server? oh ya that i might be placed on the wall of shame. Cuz i only started an admin app and they banned me from reminding them that i had posted an admin app. since august 2008 me and safe's head admins are fighting e.g. Mave, Jabba, Gpow69, Zezombia And KNAPEK. Atleast creonsniper is my friend (admin) and sa killer im an admin on his server he's ma best friend on sa-fe. SAFE SUcks badly. i hate safe!

When did i mention SA-FE?

Sorry, but I'm going to lock this. If you don't know how to deal with a DoS you probably shouldn't be running a public server.

The following applies to any internet attack, not just SA-MP:

- Gather evidence/logs including IP addresses with timestamps.
- Determine where the attack originated from.
- Submit a complaint to the ISP(s) where the attack originated.

If you know who is attacking and you have clear evidence that it is them, submit a complaint to their ISP.

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