Death message shows two times

Guys, i facing a deadly bug, my death message shows 2 times instead of one
i asked someone he said thats because of luxadmin idk
But for more explain when i kill someone , it shows that i killed him 2 times , even when i use /kill
I using LVA gamemode , but i edited it to change Gamemode text n disable /jetpack protection
Btw can anyone help me in this?

Show me your gamemode or lux admin's "OnPlayerDeath" function

It's simple (we kill the batman), you have to open the luxadmin's PWN file, search for "public OnPlayerDeath" without the quotations and delete the line where it announces the player's death again.

I don't think LuxAdmin is causing it because i have it installed and i needed to write SendDeathMessage myself in my own gamemode so the kill list appears..
Anyway here's a solution :
- Open the filterscripts you are using.
- Press Ctrl + F and type "OnPlayerDeath".
- Delete all the codes about SendDeathMessage and add a new one to your gamemode.
i hope it works for you.

There must be two "OnPlayerDeath" function , One in FS another in GM . check it then tell us

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