Yo, help me plz

Hi, now Since 0.2X has come out all whenever someone dies they crash no matter what. I thought it could be objects so i used a streamer. wasn't that so i removed the objects, still crash when you die.
So i thought I would try removing the dm's , still die. So i removed the race script, still crash.

Now I have tryed everything under the sun to fix this and im kinda out of ideas, and it's starting to piss me off everytime i crash on my own server. so please help me find a solution.

Also please keep the sentence "use search" out of the topic kthnx

This same thing happened to me, it has nothing to do with 2X
Turns out it was weirdly my infinite nitro script, this is definitely a script related issue.

On what operating system does your server run?
on linux: Check all your scripts, try redownloading the server (worked for me)
windows: try reinstalling server

for both operating systems you should start with the blank lvdm script and add then your game mode and 1 by 1 the filterscripts so you can find out what is causing the crash

OnPlayerUpdate could be responsible (changed in 0.2X)

Actually the server is hosted so.. I might have to re-script everything to make it all fresh.

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