23.06.2015, 01:29
Последний раз редактировалось DeathFire; 23.06.2015 в 02:52.
Good night! for some... xD
I wanna change the logo from "Citiez" to my logo, but it sadly doesn't have the option... Any help? (When I mean that, I mean the whole thing on the up side)
http://i.imgur.com/3ceicOR.png (I put the link so the image wouldn't fit all this space xD)
Thanks in advance if someone can help me.
I wanna change the logo from "Citiez" to my logo, but it sadly doesn't have the option... Any help? (When I mean that, I mean the whole thing on the up side)
http://i.imgur.com/3ceicOR.png (I put the link so the image wouldn't fit all this space xD)
Thanks in advance if someone can help me.