Originally Posted by Jake187
He's referring to a Layer 7 DDoS/DoS attack, though I'm not sure how much of a issue this is with SA-MP (Most attacks, including directed at SA-MP, are layer 3-4) any server host with decent DDoS protection would cover it. Layer 7 is a bit more..perplexed.
Cloudflare responds to Layer 7 in that a lot of normally serverside elements (i.e scripts, images, ect) are cached with cloudflare, thus reducing the stress on the server itself as the CDN takes most of the load (I'm 60-70% more efficient on most sites I run with cloudflare), including from a layer 7 DDoS/DoS attack. Layer 7 works, for the laymen here, in that it tries to trip the high-stress elements of a system, i.e, the search function of a forum which uses a lot of resources as it's a rather large SQL query, and then repeats to choke out the system. It's a lot harder to counter than a traditional 'spam packets' type attack that you'd see in a usual Layer 3 or 4 attack, but again, I've really never heard of it being applicable to SA-MP, unless you're referring to your web hosting. Layer 7 requires the attacker have application-level access to the server (i.e, the website itself) which means it's obviously a lot harder to run a layer 7 attack on a gameserver than a webserver.
Layer 7 isn't really a issue with SA-MP to my knowledge(as mentioned above), most if not all attacks you'd encounter are Layer 3/4, as long as the host is protected in that manner if you run cloudflare for the domain (You can run cloudflare with any host, infact, most hosts encourage it because it takes stress off of their hardware) you should be decently well off.
That said, if you're using shared hosting your web security doesn't matter all too much; it's still possible another person on the server/IP could be less mindful and could get targeted by a attacker, which in many cases (as you're on the same box as him, after all) will negatively affect you as well. Always better to have dedicated IP's on anything you run. I would do it particularly for a sa-mp server if I think I'm going to be targeted because if you
do get taken down it will also take down everyone else on that IP/server box, which the host obviously won't be a fan of.