TextDraw help

Hi im having a problem with my selectable textdraws cuz only 3 of them are working when i press login its working when i press register it works when i press creditos (credits) it works but when i press dizer ola(say hello) and sair(exit) it doesnt work it just repeats what credits do
Example: I press credits and for example it shows blablabla
Then i press dizer ola or sair and it shows same thing
Heres the script:


Textdraww9 = TextDrawCreate(284.000000, 164.000000, "Login");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraww9, 255);
TextDrawFont(Textdraww9, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraww9, 0.610000, 1.200000);
TextDrawColor(Textdraww9, 16711935);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraww9, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraww9, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(Textdraww9, 1);

Textdraww10 = TextDrawCreate(263.000000, 187.000000, "Register");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraww10, 255);
TextDrawFont(Textdraww10, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraww10, 0.610000, 1.200000);
TextDrawColor(Textdraww10, 16777215);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraww10, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraww10, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(Textdraww10, 1);

Textdraww11 = TextDrawCreate(288.000000, 248.000000, "Sair");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraww11, 255);
TextDrawFont(Textdraww11, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraww11, 0.610000, 1.200000);
TextDrawColor(Textdraww11, -16776961);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraww11, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraww11, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(Textdraww11, 1);

Textdraww12 = TextDrawCreate(261.000000, 228.000000, "dizer ola");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraww12, 255);
TextDrawFont(Textdraww12, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraww12, 0.610000, 1.200000);
TextDrawColor(Textdraww12, -16711681);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraww12, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraww12, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(Textdraww12, 1);

Textdraww13 = TextDrawCreate(263.000000, 207.000000, "Creditos");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraww13, 255);
TextDrawFont(Textdraww13, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraww13, 0.610000, 1.200000);
TextDrawColor(Textdraww13, 16777215);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraww13, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraww13, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(Textdraww13, 1);


if(clickedid == Textdraww11) // Sair Textdraw
return 1;
if(clickedid == Textdraww12) // dizer ola TextDraw
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[24+MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string,sizeof(string), "%s disse Olб a toda a gente no servidor",name);
return 1;
if(clickedid == Textdraww13) // Credits TextDraw (only this one works and the other 2 make the same thing as this does
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xCC0000, "Creditos para o scripter Vasco Miles, para a nossa host TugaNetwork por nos apoiar sempre e para o TUGADJ");
return 1;

please help me

Its probably a nooby bug but please guys help me

Someone please help!


help me!

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