Request Connection cookie?

I have no idea why am having this but let me start.

I am localhosting my own server to test out my script etc, but whenever i connect to my own server i don't see any register/login box what should show correctly on the screen connection however, i checked the server console and i seen this (IP *** *** * * Request Connection Cooke.) any idea on fixing this issue?

Before asking i am connected to the database.

public OnGameModeInit()
    Connection = mysql_connect(Host, User, DB, Password);
    mysql_query(Connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Account`(`ID`int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `Name` varchar(24) NOT NULL, `Password` varchar(129) NOT NULL, `Email` varchar(129) NOT NULL, `Admin` int(11) NOT NULL, `Sex` int(11) NOT NULL, `Age` int(11) NOT NULL, `Score` int(11) NOT NULL, `Money` int(11) NOT NULL, `Skin` int(11) NOT NULL, `Kill` int(11) NOT NULL, `Death` int(11) NOT NULL)", false);
    if(mysql_errno(Connection) != 0)
		print("(MYSQL DATABASE) Failed to connected check the logs!!");
        print("(MYSQL DATABASE) connected successful.");

	AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	return 1;

I had the same type of problem using the static version of the mySQL plugin so if you're under linux OS I'd suggest trying non-static. Anyways if you are connected to the server than it is not the cookie system as it has already let you onto the server therefore it has done its job.

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