Difference between >= and >

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] > 1)
they both do the same in this case, correct?

So which one would be the best one to use and why?

Well, yeah. It's the same thing. I've mostly seen people use i.e. "> 1" in gamemodes rather than ">= 2".

They both do the same but > is faster than >=.

Its machine-dependent so you won't get a good answer.The compiler might change it but in our case it doesn't.It gives two different assembly outputs.

Assembly Output:
	load.s.pri fffffffc
	const.alt 4
	sgeq ;for >=
	stor.s.pri fffffffc
	; line 88
	break	; b8e8
	load.s.pri fffffffc
	const.alt 3
	sgrtr ;This is for >
Here is what the CPU would probably do for >=.
1. It will first check if its equal then check if it is greater.
2. It will subtract 1 and then check if it is greater.

I would just ignore the speed difference and use the operator which seems to fit the situation better.

It depends on the situation and on the person writing the code so there isn't really a straightforward answer. I tend to use >= and <= if I want to verify that something is at least (or at most) that value, e.g.:
pawn Code:
if(adminlevel >= 2)
which to me is saying: do something if the adminlevel is at least 2. Whereas with > 1 it would say, again to me: do something if the adminlevel is greater than 1. Then I would have to figure out that "greater than 1" means "at least 2". Hard to explain, really.

Other example is:
pawn Code:
if(0 <= variable <= 100)
// vs
if(-1 < variable < 101)
Which one's more readable?

I prefer to use >= and <=, my reasoning? Well it's just a habit and I don't notice any changes in speed.

It's just like a lot of things, we all have our own habits/ways.

> 1 mean more then 1 . >= 1 Mean 1 and also more then 1 . Simple

The > symbol means Greater Than which means that something must be bigger than the specified number.
For example:
pawn Code:
new foo;
if(foo > 0)//If foo is greater than/bigger than.
    foo = 0;
    print("Hello World!");
    foo = 1;
    print("Goodbye Cruel World!");
The >= symbol means Equal or Greater Than which means that something must be the same as or bigger than the specified number.
For example:
pawn Code:
new foo;
if(foo >= 1)//If foo is greater than/bigger than.
    foo = 0;
    print("Hello World!");
    foo = 1;
    print("Goodbye Cruel World!");

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