Pinging my server

Hello i have problem with my server. Some kids have programs to flood my server and the ping is about of 1000-1600 and if they are 2-3 my entire internet stops. How to stop this? Some program or something?

1- Check the flooder ip and block his access on server (permanent ban). If he use contact you need to ban him all the time.
I don't remember other ways to prevent this.
Try this links:
I didnt test them yet but i hope it help you

This is in server, the attack is on my internet connection.

If you're hosting locally if someone is attacking you than clearly you're going to be outmatched and either need to get a host with DDoS protection or spend money on a router with a firewall but realize that once a attack beats your threshold aka your total internet speed you will go down even with filters. Therefore it's better to have actual protected host which has a large network to filter and migrate the attacking traffic.

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