[Ajuda] Como Por um Actor dentro de um Anterior

Olá galerinha bom quero saber como por um Actor dentro de um anterior

Acho que nгo й possivel ..

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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The interior IDs are GTA's streaming worlds (client streamed). The virtual world IDs are SA-MP's streaming worlds (on the server).

It's much better to set each GTA interior in it's own virtual world on the server. That means when you teleport a player in to a GTA interior, you also change the player's virtual world to some arbitrary number. That means the same GTA interior can be reused over and over. Players using the same GTA interior in a different virtual world won't be able to see each other or any actors set to a different virtual world.

You don't need to alter the actor's GTA interior because players set to that interior will always see other players, NPCs and actors that are in the same interior as them.

Nгo, nгo й possнvel.

Originally Posted by Dolby
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Nгo, nгo й possнvel.
Dolby eu tentei aqui usei a função SetActorVirtualWorld(Atores[0], ; 8 é o id e deu certinho.

Realmente. Relendo com mais calma a citaзгo dada acima, faz todo sentido.

Anterior ou Interior? Caso seja interior nгo precisa, й sу setar a posiзгo, eles sгo onipresentes em interiores, aparecem em todos.

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