ExtremeStudio, Efficiency or functionality ?


I have been working on another program that is a rewrite for ExtremePAWN.
However, I am having a problem.. Your help is appreciated.

Since like 4 hours.. I have been searching for a good code-editor so I can use it.
But honestly.. I didn't find a good one that supports functionality and at the same time speed.

For example, Scintilla control can open a 100K file in like 5 seconds with the highlighting.. But doesn't support on-run time highlighting editing (I need this to add that all defines and functions that are written, Get highlighted.)... The colors has to be set in an XML file that is loaded on app run.

And there is another editor that supports this and at the same time its super super slow... 5 minutes to load the file... But its super super fast to open small files :P.. So yeah.. Your opinion ?

So been searching for hours and can't find a good one that is free. (Not going to pay for a freeware :P.. Unless I get donations which I think will never reach $500 :P)

I created this thread so I can get your opinions about this.. So let me see , And if you are a .NET developer.. Would be great if you give me your suggestions.

Thanks in-advanced for posting, I really appreciate it.

Efficiency over functionality.

Cba waiting for files to load, people ain't patient no more.

You might want to give fastcoloredtextbox a try.

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