17.05.2015, 23:48
i want to take out The housepickup infront of the door.(outside).
i have this code:
in property.cfg
and this
from houseinfo gm
i have this code:
1235.066040,-1608.485717,13.546895,235.300003,1187.099975,1080. 199951,0,0,0,0,0,0,The State,LS House,3000000,0,0,3,1,0,0,100,0,0,418,-1,-1,137,5,83 |
and this
enum hInfo { Float:hEntrancex, Float:hEntrancey, Float:hEntrancez, Float:hExitx, Float:hExity, Float:hExitz, hHealthx, hHealthy, hHealthz, hArmourx, hArmoury, hArmourz, hOwner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], hDiscription[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], hValue, hHel, hArm, hInt, hLock, hOwned, hRooms, hRent, hRentabil, hTakings, hVec, hVcol1, hVcol2, hDate, hLevel, Text3D:hTextInfo, hVirtual, }; |