IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint help!!

Can anyone please tell me the best ways to know IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint otherthan OnPlayerUpdate or Timer

if there is not other better way then how much interval will be good for timer?
Thanks in advance

Dynamic areas by streamer plugin:

pawn Код:
CreateDynamicSphere(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
When the players enter the area (OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea), do you code. It's just like the player is in range of x, y, z you set.

is the range of the point and size of the sphere are equal??

or Do they differ in a large value?

Yes, they are equal.

Thanks man for your help


and last question please
Is there any native to destroy created dynamic sphere?

pawn Код:
Store the areaid that CreateDynamicSphere function will return to a global variable and then use it to destroy the dynamic area whenever you want.

Thanks Man

really it helped me alot

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