Server crash (unknown error)


My server crashes sometimes, but i dont understand why?


[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut (vehicleid=1806, forplayerid=8493620)
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamIn ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamIn ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnPlayerUpdate ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] Native backtrace:
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #0 b73c9e8b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #1 b73c2bcf in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #2 b73c3dbc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #3 b73c4226 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #4 b73c9adc in ?? () from plugins/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #5 b76f040c in ?? ()
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #6 b746463e in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #7 b768c51f in _ZdlPv () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #8 b768c57b in _ZdaPv () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #9 0807fbc8 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #10 0808010d in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #11 08074c0a in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #12 080763ce in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #13 b76cfd4c in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [debug] #14 b74dd8be in clone () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new drunknew = GetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid);
    if (drunknew < 100)
        SetPlayerDrunkLevel(playerid, 2000);
    } else {
        if (pDrunkLevelLast[playerid] != drunknew)
            new wfps = pDrunkLevelLast[playerid] - drunknew;
            if ((wfps > 0) && (wfps < 200)) pFPS[playerid] = wfps;
            pDrunkLevelLast[playerid] = drunknew;
    return 1;
I use crashdetect plugin and tracing callbacks.

I wouldn't use OnPlayerUpdate like that, you're better off using a timer for something like that.

Honestly, I am not aware as it's an unknown server crash though I noticed this:
pawn Код:
[2015.05.11 20:18:22] [trace] public OnVehicleStreamOut (vehicleid=1806, forplayerid=8493620)
the ID of the player is "8493620" which is not valid so there might be a start.

Originally Posted by Csaby
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[..] and tracing callbacks.
Is this debugging (prints in the callbacks) by you? All the rest don't have parameters, that's why I'm asking.

Could it be an exploit of some sort? Is it only you that plays on the server, either testing or just for fun?

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