09.05.2015, 11:33
Hey. I need your help. So how to do this:
I have my /createbiz command. And when i create biz it creates 3d text like this:
~ Biz for sale - (here should show biz name not int,its shows e.g. '4') ~
CODE of 3D:
I have my /createbiz command. And when i create biz it creates 3d text like this:
~ Biz for sale - (here should show biz name not int,its shows e.g. '4') ~
PHP код:
stock BusinessType(BIZID)
new string[30];
case 5: string = "Cvijecara";
case 4: string = "GunShop";
case 3: string = "24/7";
case 2: string = "Bar";
case 1: string = "Ducan sa odjecom";
return string;
PHP код:
new poruka[256];
format(poruka,sizeof(poruka),""COLOR_SIVA"~{FFFFFF} Firma na prodaju -"COLOR_WG" %d"COLOR_SIVA" ~\n{FFFFFF}Cijena:"COLOR_ZELENA" $%d\n\n{FFFFFF}Ukoliko zelite kupiti firmu: /kupifirmu",level,BusinessInfo[id][bPrice]);
Create3DTextLabel(poruka,-1,BusinessInfo[id][bEntranceX], BusinessInfo[id][bEntranceY], BusinessInfo[id][bEntranceZ],30,0,0);