[ERROR] Server_Log

No me deja iniciar el servidor no se porque formatie la PC y antes si me iba me tira este error

[18:15:19]  ===============================

[18:15:19]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[18:15:19]          Version:  2.8.1        

[18:15:19]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[18:15:19]  ===============================

[18:15:19]   Loaded.
[18:15:19]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[18:15:19]   Failed.
[18:15:19]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[18:15:19] Filterscripts
[18:15:19] ---------------
[18:15:19]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[18:15:19] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_connect
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_log
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicPickup
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicMapIcon
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicPickups
[18:15:19] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_format
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_query
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_delete
[18:15:19] [debug]  AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle
[18:15:19] [debug]  MoveDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicObjects
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicCPs
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicRaceCPs
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicMapIcons
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamic3DTextLabels
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicSphere
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[18:15:19] [debug]  DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[18:15:19] [debug]  IsPlayerInDynamicArea
[18:15:19] [debug]  IsValidDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText
[18:15:19] [debug]  SetDynamicObjectRot
[18:15:19] [debug]  DestroyDynamicPickup
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicObjectEx
[18:15:19] [debug]  SetDynamicObjectMaterial
[18:15:19] [debug]  SetDynamicObjectMaterialText
[18:15:19] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_connect
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_log
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicPickup
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicMapIcon
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicPickups
[18:15:19] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_format
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[18:15:19] [debug]  mysql_query
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_delete
[18:15:19] [debug]  AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle
[18:15:19] [debug]  MoveDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicObjects
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicCPs
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicRaceCPs
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamicMapIcons
[18:15:19] [debug]  CountDynamic3DTextLabels
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicSphere
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row
[18:15:19] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[18:15:19] [debug]  DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[18:15:19] [debug]  IsPlayerInDynamicArea
[18:15:19] [debug]  IsValidDynamicObject
[18:15:19] [debug]  UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText
[18:15:19] [debug]  SetDynamicObjectRot
[18:15:19] [debug]  DestroyDynamicPickup
[18:15:19] [debug]  CreateDynamicObjectEx
[18:15:19] [debug]  SetDynamicObjectMaterial
[18:15:19] [debug]  SetDynamicObjectMaterialText
[18:15:19] Script[gamemodes/XX-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:15:19] Number of vehicle models: 0

їTenйs el plugin nativechecker? Si es asн, en server.cfg debes ponerlo ъltimo, me explico.

Si tienes esto:

nativechecker streamer whirpool

debes ponerlo asн

streamer whirpool nativechecker

streamer si es la ъltima versiуn se necesita el .net framework 4 si no me equivoco, no cargу el streamer.

Al final del post de Incognito dejу algo de compatibilidad si no me equivoco.

Sigo teniendo el mismo error ya actualice el .net framework 4

Parece que streamer.dll no carga, tienes que instalar como mнnimo .NET Framework 4.5.1 o superior.

Si no lo consigues, descarga esto, descomprime y pon los archivos en el directorio principal del servidor (donde se encuentra samp-server.exe).

Originally Posted by [DOG]irinel1996
Посмотреть сообщение
Parece que streamer.dll no carga, tienes que instalar como mнnimo .NET Framework 4.5.1 o superior.

Si no lo consigues, descarga esto, descomprime y pon los archivos en el directorio principal del servidor (donde se encuentra samp-server.exe).
correcciуn... como mнnimo debe tener el .NET Framework 3.5 (que contiene el 1.0,2.0,3.0), esos son los necesarios, como mнnimo.

saludos. ..


Con la ъltimas actualizaciones que ha hecho Incognito, se necesita mнnimo el 4.5.1

Originally Posted by Incognito
The Windows version requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 or higher. If this cannot be installed on the server, place these files in the top directory (alongside samp-server.exe).
El mбs actualizado aquн (4.6).

Joer creo q me han hecho instalar como 5 versiones, a ver probare la 4.6 y les digo

Disculpen doble post pero sigue apareciendome esos error ya instale todo eso... No sera algo del mysql ?

Revivo. El error sigue.

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