mysql on Slackware

Hello everyone,

I have a samp server running moderntopia mod. Well, I have a problem. My server configuration is a dual core with 4 gb ddr2. When I run my server and clients are connecting, the samp mysql is "eating" all the resources and after one hour, the server crashes (the host too, no more resources to use), then I have to turn on the server by pushing the turn on button .. Even if the clients are quitting, the memory is still in use. I have a Slackware distribution of Linux and I belive (actually I'm sure) that the lybraries from the samp mysql are not compatible with this operating system. I guess I shall compile them for slackware, but I don't know if it is possible to do. Does someone else have this problem also? A possible way to resolv this?

If someone have a solution for this, please leave a message. Thank you!

i saw there is another samp-mysql plugin available, try if this ones gives you the same experiences

Which plugin? I use v013. Can you give me a link to download please?

i suppose you installed the basic mysql server properly on your system, so i hardly believe thats causing the error, as this evironement has been tested with far more queries than your server.

so you might want to find out, if its the samp-mysql plugin, which causes this.

there are two available in the script showroom:

just try out the one which you arent using at the moment

how to compile plugin in linux ? it give me a lot of errors

gcc -gcc -Wall -fPIC -c main.cpp -DLINUX -I../SDK/amx ../SDK/amx/*.c
cc1plus: error: unrecognised debug output level "cc"
cc1: error: unrecognised debug output level "cc"
make: *** [all] Error 1


you ever compiled something on linux?

if yes, search for the libraries required or ask for them in the plugin's thread

if no, just forget it, it isnt that easy

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