What server is recommended for multiply games?

I have many unused which I have abandoned years ago and I want to refurbish them , tho I'm limited in time
So I thought about merging them to a pre-made server from the Game Modes forum so it'll be a multiply games server - Like UIF for example (where you choose Freeroam world , Minigames , Races etc)
I wanted to consult with you guys which server you think suits best for this? (Stunts server)
(Sorry if its the wrong forum , if not forward me to the right one)

I would say races cause there's no any race server online now. I never seen any racing server for years.

DayZ servers gain lots of players. It usually reaches 80 + players if the updates are maintained and it's in hosted tab list. Or maybe a cops and robbers servers boosts a lot of players too. Just an experiences from playing those servers but I'd better suggest DayZ is the perfect game mode in boosting up players.

What is this question asking? Please elaborate.

I agree with Alex start up with a racing gamemode, those are always good to see.

grand theft AUTO....

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