Freeze Hack.

There is some kind of a freeze hack that keeps happening to my server.

IDK if this is a known hack or not, But if someone knows a fix. It will be highly appreciated.

Logs? Describe more so we can help you out.

There is nothing to show.. The server just freezes, No one can connect and everyone gets timed out.

You're being offensive.
Show the samp log [ in your samp folder / samp_log.txt and please use [code] [ /code] tags ] , we need to read what happened last before the server "freezed".

Sorry if I look offensive... But I swear there is noting in the logs... It just freezes.

But in the first post you mentioned that someone is freezing the server, and yet you're saying that there's no log.
If you don't post the log at least say that the server is not even starting, and that means that there's no "hack" here and you should be lookin' at something else, like plugins and scripts.

Its a hack that freezes the whole server even the logs gets stopped, For example when I attempt to join it doesn't even say Incoming connection in logs and I am stuck in Joining Game.

Thanks in advanced.

And also the reason, I don't want to show the logs is that its very huge... Will try to cut the recent part only.
However, I am sure there is nothing in it.

Here is what the logs show:
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z-R2, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team

[13:11:59] password = ""  (string)
[13:11:59] gamemodetext = "Unknown"  (string)
[13:11:59] Server Plugins
[13:11:59] --------------
[13:11:59]  Loading plugin:
[13:11:59]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[13:11:59]   Loaded.
[13:11:59]  Loading plugin:

[13:11:59]  ===============================

[13:11:59]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[13:11:59]          Version:  2.8.1        

[13:11:59]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[13:11:59]  ===============================

[13:11:59]   Loaded.
[13:11:59]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[13:11:59]   Loaded.
[13:11:59]  Loading plugin:
[13:11:59]  ==================
[13:11:59]   Whirlpool loaded
[13:11:59]  ==================
[13:11:59]   Loaded.
[13:11:59]  Loading plugin:

[13:11:59]  ===============================

[13:11:59]        fixes plugin loaded.     

[13:11:59]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[13:11:59]  ===============================

[13:11:59]   Loaded.
[13:11:59]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[13:11:59] Ban list
[13:11:59] --------
[13:11:59]  Loaded: samp.ban
[13:11:59] Filterscripts
[13:11:59] ---------------
[13:11:59]   Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'...
[13:12:00]   Loading filterscript 'brahem.amx'...
[13:12:00]   Loading filterscript 'IntDialog.amx'...
[13:12:00] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[13:12:00] => Dialog System v1.1 By Garsino Loaded! <=
[13:12:00] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[13:12:00]   Loading filterscript 'antimod.amx'...
[13:12:00]  ======================================= 
[13:12:00]  |                                     | 
[13:12:00]  |        YSI version 4.00.0001        | 
[13:12:00]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[13:12:00]  |                                     | 
[13:12:00]  ======================================= 
[13:12:00]  Blank Filterscript by your name here
[13:12:00] --------------------------------------

[13:12:00]   Loaded 4 filterscripts.

[13:12:00]  ======================================= 
[13:12:00]  |                                     | 
[13:12:00]  |        YSI version 4.00.0001        | 
[13:12:00]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[13:12:00]  |                                     | 
[13:12:00]  ======================================= 
[13:12:02] All Businesses loaded successfully.
[13:12:02] All Gas Stations loaded successfully.
[13:12:02] Turfs laoding.
[13:12:02] All houses loaded successfully.
[13:12:02] All gates loaded successfully.
[13:12:02] -------------------------------------------
[13:12:02] Loading...
[13:12:02] Welcome to  Extra Gaming Roleplay
[13:12:02] -------------------------------------------
[13:12:02] Number of vehicle models: 75
[13:12:29] Incoming connection:
[13:12:29] [join] Frank_Jones has joined the server (0:
[13:12:35] Frank_Jones has logged in.
[13:12:35]  Loading Frank_Jones's vehicles.
[13:12:35]  Loading all vehicles mods.
[13:15:49] Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
And it stops like that, Everytime one joins, He is stuck at the Joining Game and everyone inside will time out.

When does it happen? Get the crashdetect plugin and Execution Logger ( Your server most likely got stuck in an infinite loop.,
Also this might help you out:

I guess the so called infinite loop mentioned by the post above the above one occurs after loading the vehicles depending on your script, check that part and reply back.

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