It is an attack. If you use 0.3z R4 you can use Anti Server Full Attack plugin by Gamer_Z (I am not sure if it will work, I did not test it).
Also you can download the new SA-MP version (SA-MP 0.3.7 RC1-3) as it includes a cookie system to prevent this attack. But remember that it is not the official version, it is a test version.
Originally Posted by Kalcor
- Adds connection cookie system to prevent spoofed connection flooding.
Information about the attack:
It uses IP spoofing (like fake IPs) to send multiple connections to your server.
Good luck
Off-topic: I am not sure if this thread is some kind of joke (probably it is; it is called "Hackerz", misspelled, and has many syntax mistakes), but I am sure that other people also have this problem and they do not know how to solve it. And please, forum users, do not be rude with people that create threads like this one.