04.04.2015, 05:26
• Index
- Introduction
- Additional information
- Modifying structure
- Downloads
- Print Screens
- Explanation of functions
- Comparative of Versions
- Future Updates
- Final considerations
- The Filterscript credit card has an earlier version (v 0.1) that was developed in DOF2 and now are getting a \ "remake \" with a much more enhanced version, now in SQLITE. The systems were made from 0 again and just some ideas were kept in this version, i.e., some things were dropped and some included (ideas that I didn't add in v 0.1). Below we have a report with all modifications.
- The Filterscript is available to anyone who wants to modify it to be fit to the style of play of your server, but it is forbidden to post on: web sites, blogs, and the retiration of the credits.
- The databases will be copied to the folder scriptfiles from the root folder of your server.
- How do we know a script is basically formed by a structure within a structure and we have scopes. We know that users of Filterscripts posted on board modify the same so that it fits better on your server and as there are some that are not so experienced in identifying, will be giving away a hand showing some functions that can be modified easily.
- I used a callback to finalize the purchase of the player more easily, thinking of future modifications. See below callback works:
Parвmetros - Callback:
- FinalizarVenda(playerid, type[], product[], value, Pgto, dBuy, mBuy, aBuy);
playerid - Fuction:
- Defines which id is destined to the modifications contained in the callback.
- ATENЗГO:Only positive integers is supported.
type - Fuction:
- It has the function of storing what type or category of item purchased.
- Exemple: Appliances, home and construction, furniture.
- ATENЗГO: Only supported strings, use between double-quotes
product - Fuction:
- Stores the name of the product/item purchased.
- Exemple: Tv, Radio, Fridge, Sound
- ATENЗГO: Only supported strings, use between double-quotes
value - Fuction:
- Responsible for storing the value paid for the product.
- Exemple: 5000, 9000, 100.
- ATENЗГO:Only positive integers is supported.
Pgto - Fuction:
- Stores in how many times will be splitted to purchase.
- Exemple: 1, 10, 20, 40...
- ATENЗГO:Only positive integers is supported.
dBuy, mBuy, aBuy - Fuction:
- Stores, in order: Day, Month, Year of original purchase.
- Exemple: 1, 10, 20, 40...
- ATENЗГO:Only positive integers is supported.
- Callback:
- Old Version(v0.1)
- Includes Used: Dof2, zcmd and sscanf
- Excess strings and use of Timers
- Problems in relation to interest count
- Not received and will not receive Updates
- Among other observations.
- New Version(v0.2)
- Includes Used: Sqlite, y_cmd and sscanf2
- Strings and use gettime
- Optimized with the best currently
- Were added ideas requested for v 0.1
- Among other observations.
- I have opted for a little function used in filterscripts currently, which is a viewable log of purchases that the Player performs. The Log is saved in the database and logs can be viewed in real time by anyone who has access to the program that writes log information SQLite. In the tab /mycard you can check your logs, clicking Latest Purchases.
- Version 0.2
- There are 3 credit cards that can be chosen (only 1) being: Master Card, Visa and Cielo!
- The player has a menu (/meucartao) where you will have several options such as view your latest purchases.
- FIX : this version will receive Updates in the future, as the collaboration with ideas.
- So. .. we've reached the end! I want to thank everyone who will use my filterscript on your server, that makes me very proud. I hope that you, the user, have an imagination to adapt this filterscript on your server. A big hug for those who have awareness of how important it is to keep the credits of the creator.
Wise is the one who knows the limits of his own ignorance