28.03.2015, 21:04
why doesn't this work?
Seems like something is wrong with the listitem.
why doesn't this work?
enum l_data{//listitem listname[MAX_FRAK_LEN], bool:used = false } new list[MAX_LIST][l_data]; //.. for(new i = 0;i < Fraks; i++) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s%s | "#HEXBlue"%s\n",string, fraktion[i][f_name], fraktion[i][f_leader]); format(list[i][listname], MAX_FRAK_LEN, fraktion[i][f_name]); list[i][used] = true; printf("%s",list[i][listname]); // -> Output is okay. } //.. OnDialogResponse new len = CountActiveList() - 1; printf("%d", len); new string[200]; printf("%d",listitem); if(listitem <= len) { printf("%s",list[listitem][listname]); // Output is wrong. Just random chars var[playerid][sList] = listitem; } else if(listitem == (len + 1)) { printf("%d | %d", listitem, len); print("add"); } else if(listitem >= (len + 2)) { printf("%d | %d", listitem, len); print("Delete"); } stock CountActiveList() { new count; new i = 0; for(;i < MAX_LIST; i++ ) { if(list[i][used] == false)continue; count ++; } return count; }