[Need Help]MoveDynamicObject not work

i use with button before button 24 MoveDynamicObject Work normally but when button 24 and more it not work

public OnPlayerPressButton(playerid, buttonid)

if(buttonid == 24)
			if(RSA_Door[OpenedID1] == 0)
                MoveDynamicObject(RSA_Door[OpenedID1], -1520.2000000,481.5000000,9.0000000, 1.5,0.0000000,0.0000000,359.2470000);
				RSA_Door[OpenedID1] = 1; RSA_Door[TimerID]= SetTimer("RSDoorCheck", 3000, 0);
			else if(RSA_Door[OpenedID1] == 1)
				MoveDynamicObject(RSA_Door[OpenedID1], -1529.1000000,481.7000100,9.0000000, 1.5,0.0000000,0.0000000,359.2480000);
				RSA_Door[OpenedID1] = 0; KillTimer(RSA_Door[TimerID]);
I use Incognito's streamer 2.6

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