Using Strings in a MSGBOX [Not Adjusting MSGBOX Size]

Using Strings in a MSGBOX [Not Adjusting MSGBOX Size]


I'm using a MSGBOX dialog to display the MDC I made. The problem is, I'm using strings for every part of the dialog and I don't think pawno can adjust the size of the dialog to the amount of characters because I'm using strings and the characters aren't actually there. The MSGBox isn't wide enough, any solution?

Picture of the MSGBOX:

pawn Код:
new record[40];
format(record, sizeof(record), "%s's Criminal Record.", PlayerName(id));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CRIMINALRECORD, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, record, "Blablabla", "Exit", "");

I tried and is the only solution. The dialog box size depends of the inside text lengh.

Originally Posted by ******
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Pawno is the default text editor included with the SA:MP server. It has nothing to do with dialogs or how they are displayed. It is purely used to edit and compile code (more specifically, edit the PAWN language, and invoke the compiler called "pawncc").

Anyway, have you tried padding the main message with spaces, so that it is longer than the title?
Thanks for the quick reply. I wasn't trying to say it was pawnos fault, I poorly worded it.
Anyways, I cant pad it with 0's because in the code you only have the option to use a string or add your text inside "".

For Example you can either use:

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CRIMINALRECORD, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, record, "Blablabla", "Exit", "");


ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CRIMINALRECORD, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Text Here", "Blablabla", "Exit", "");

And if I where to pad the string with spaces it wouldn't make a difference, because the string is the problem.

EDIT: Read your reply wrong, the main message is also completed using just strings.

Originally Posted by ******
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I said pad with spaces, not 0s.
I meant spaces.

Potentially ugly but a probable solution could be bordering your dialogs with underscores at the top and bottom
_________ due to it seamlessly joining together.

Hit "TAB" a few times behind "Name:". At least it works in other DIALOG_STYLES. Not sure if also in MSGBOX.

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